Professional Diploma in Paediatrics

CPD Credits44

9 months of self-guided learning leading to an RCPI Professional Diploma in Paediatrics



About This Diploma

Assessing an ill child is an art. The care of infants, children and young people often form a large part of a doctor’s caseload, yet newly qualified doctors can struggle to provide comprehensive child-centred medical care and doctors starting specialist training in paediatrics soon realise that children are not simply small adults.

This Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Professional Diploma in Paediatrics, delivered in conjunction with iheed, is a nine-month online education programme focused on the diagnosis and management of important and common illnesses in children. It is delivered in conjunction with iheed and designed to cater for busy healthcare professionals working anywhere in the world.

Drawing on the expertise of highly experienced Consultants in Paediatrics, the programme will teach you how to manage common paediatric issues, including acute and chronic conditions and developmental difficulties. You will learn how to recognise the symptoms of, and manage, the critically ill child and when referral to tertiary paediatric care is required.

Who Is This Programme Aimed At?

This diploma can be completed by GPs, family physicians and doctors starting specialist training in Paediatrics. You can complete the programme anywhere in the world. 

To be accepted onto the programme you must have:

  • • A medical degree awarded from a recognised institution
  • • Evidence of proficiency in the English language

What You Will Learn

This programme provides comprehensive training in child-centred medical care of infants, children and young people.

On completion of this programme you will be able to:

  • • Develop a comprehensive and structured approach to the medical history and physical examination of a child
  • • Demonstrate when referral to paediatric services is needed
  • • Recognise symptoms of, and manage, the critically ill child at a level appropriate to your professional role
  • • Explain the clinical features and develop a systematic approach to managing acute care and common presentations in paediatrics including, but not limited to, respiratory, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology, growth and endocrinology, and dermatology in paediatrics
  • • Discuss child development and identify abnormal development
  • • Identify presentations of child abuse and discuss child safeguarding
  • • Explain adolescent medicine and transitional care
  • • Understand behavioural paediatrics and child psychiatry in paediatrics
  • • Understand how to provide care within multidisciplinary teams to children and their families
  • • Explain surgical presentations in children

Note, while this programme appeals to a broad range of medical practitioners, it excludes content specific to paediatrics that are predominantly related to neonates or hospital-led care such as oncology or haematology.

What To Expect

This programme blends self-directed learning with tutor-led team-based learning. The course material has been designed by RCPI and is delivered online by iheed.

Throughout the course, you'll engage in:

  • • Online self-guided content
  • • Weekly online live tutorials
  • • Tutor-moderated discussion forums
  • • Interactive case studies
  • • Reflective exercises
  • • Online assessments

On successful completion of the full programme you will be award a Diploma in Paediatrics by the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.

Programme Benefits

  • • Graduates receive a diploma from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
  • • Graduates are tutored by internationally renowned experts in Paediatrics
  • • Designed and delivered by world-leading experts in Paediatrics
  • • No need to take time away from work or travel to a classroom
  • • Weekly interactive online tutorials with our expert faculty
  • • Approved for 44 Continuing Professional Development/CME credits
  • • Available anytime, anywhere, on any device

About iHeed

Dublin-headquartered iheed Health Training Limited is a successful medical education technology organisation that partners with medical universities and postgraduate training bodies to reach doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals all around the world. It delivers postgraduate medical qualifications for healthcare professionals that improve their ability to deliver healthcare while enhancing their career prospects and global mobility.

How To Register

To register your interest, please contact iheed

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