MRCPI General Medicine Skills Course for Exam Candidates

Prepare for your General Medicine exams

Expert advice on preparing for the written and clinical exams

This is an online guide to the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (MRCPI) General Medicine examinations.

You will learn about the exam structure and how questions are formatted. We will provide advice on preparing for the written and clinical components of the exam.

You will be brought through the exam structure and how questions are formatted in Part I and Part II Written. You will be able to practice Single Best Answer questions, and if you select a wrong answer, you will see a short explanation of why it's not the single best answer.

The course includes videos of Dr Geoff Chadwick FRCPI, a very experienced examiner in RCPI, providing expert advice on the Clinical exam including:

  • Exactly what to expect during the exam at Long Case and Short Case stations
  • What skills the examiners are looking for.

On completion of this course, you will be more familiar with the structure of all three Parts of the General Medicine exam and what is expected of you.

This is an online course in our virtual learning environment RCPI Brightspace. It takes about one hour to complete.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course, you will be more familiar with the structure of all three parts of the General Medicine exam and what is expected of you.

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